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Our 24×7 monitoring means you can rest easy knowing we have you covered. InnerCore’s monitoring provides early recognition of problems in your IT infrastructure and warns you immediately.

InnerCore’s monitoring provides early recognition of problems in your IT infrastructure and warns you immediately. We will proactively monitor your Windows, macOS, and Linux devices – providing early recognition of issues in your IT infrastructure and warning you immediately. You’ll be able to stay one step ahead of problems and prevent costly downtime and data loss; our 24×7 monitoring means you can rest easy knowing we have you covered. We take personal responsibility for your network. Your organization will be assigned a dedicated IT services manager, a highly experienced, fully qualified on-site consultant (as needed) and a help desk technician.


  • Proactively monitor your Windows, macOS, and Linux devices
  • Define checks and thresholds, and receive alerts when these are reached
  • Reduce your downtime – keeping your devices running smoothly
  • Notification provided via phone, email, text/SMS
  • Troubleshooting and alarm resolution tips
  • Scheduled and ad hoc reports providing operational and executive summaries
  • Critical Event monitoring – alerts of any major errors recorded in the event logs
  • CPU performance, Disk usage, Memory usage, page file usage, NIC throughput and all other performance related aspects are monitored and recorded for reference

Ready for smarter IT management?

Some of the things we monitor

Disk space

Time for a clean-up? You will be notified as soon as the remaining free space on one of your devices falls below a certain percentage.

Disk health

Avoid unnecessary data loss: be notified if any disks on your device are reporting S.M.A.R.T. errors, so you can backup important data before failure.

CPU usage

A server is showing a high CPU load? Something might be up! Set a CPU usage threshold and be notified when a processor exceeds it.

Antivirus software

Don’t take your chances. Receive an alert when the antivirus software on a device is outdated or not installed at all.

System update

Keep your systems updated. Be notified if a system update becomes available, and patch your devices remotely with integrated patch management.

Memory usage

Spot memory leaks and abnormal behavior by setting a memory threshold and receiving notifications as soon as a respective device falls below it.


A disabled firewall poses one of the biggest risks to your systems. InnerCore's monitoring will notify you if there is no firewall running on the device.

Online state

Have peace of mind knowing that your device is up and running and be notified if it goes offline. You can choose to be notified within seconds of a device going offline.

Event logs

What software has been installed? Has there been a bad log-on attempt? Monitor all kinds of events on your devices. Be notified, or simply log when a specific event in the event log is discovered.

Windows services

Receive a notification when a specific Windows service has stopped running. With InnerCore's monitoring, you also have the ability to remotely start and stop services.


A stopped process can interfere with the productivity of an end-user, or can even stop an entire production line. Monitor critical processes and be notified immediately, if one stops working.

Network Adapter Traffic

The server seems to be online but isn’t sending data? There’s a workstation sending way more data than it’s supposed to? Set minimum and maximum thresholds for incoming as well as outgoing traffic, and be alerted if the traffic is not within those limits.

See all of our Managed Services

At the core of your business providing smarter IT management