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Web Filtering

Web filtering is the first line of defense against web-based attacks. Malicious or hacked websites, a primary vector for initiating attacks, trigger downloads of malware, spyware, or risky content. With our help you can take control of the content your employees can access on the Internet, thereby increasing productivity, reducing workstation and network downtime, and providing a safe and clean digital work environment.

Protecting your users and your network from malicious and inappropriate content on the internet ensures a safe and comfortable workplace for everyone and prevents many typical workstation issues. In addition to blocking sites specifically, you can block categories to dynamically filter access to websites based on their content. You can use define exceptions to the selected Web Access Control action (Allow or Block) for entire web categories (such as Games, Mature Content or Online Networks). You can choose to block social networking sites that may distract users, or simply prevent access to adult-themed sites which are distasteful for the work environment.  The spectrum of allowed web content is controlled by you.

In conjunction with blocking questionable content, we can actively protect your network from spyware and other malicious software, which clogs up network traffic and bogs down workstations.
You can define web rules to explicitly block or allow certain web addresses, overriding the existing Web Access Control settings. Users will be able, for example, to access a specific webpage also when the web browsing is blocked by Web Access Control.

  • Blocks Viruses, Spyware, and Phishing Sites
  • Completely customizable; block or allow any number of sites
  • Automatically protect your organization from inappropriate workplace content by category

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